Project type: Game

Date: 15-09-2021

Status: Finished

Software used: Unity, Visual Studio

Language used: C#

Role: Developer

Team size: 1 developer

About the project

In this project I've made a tower defense game.

I've worked a lot on tower behaviour, tower placement and enemy spawning. Everything in this project I've programmed myself.

The 3D models are from the internet. The focus of this project was programming gameplay.

In this project I worked on the parts below.

Tile Generator

With the tile generator it is possible to read a JSON file and create a level based on the data. This JSON file was generated by websites made by other students. To determine which way a path should be rotated, other path tiles around are checked. Trees and rocks of different sizes are randomly placed on available tiles.

Catapult Tower

The catapult tower was a challenge to make, because the tower has to calculate where the enemy would end up at the moment of landing of the projectile. The tower calculates this by the speed of the enemy, the direction of the path and the time between shooting and landing the projectile.

Tower Placement

With the tower placement system it is possible to place towers on the tiles. If the player wants to place a tower, a tower can be chosen by dragging the picture of the tower from the menu into the level. A transparent preview of the tower is shown. The color of the tower indicates whether the tower can be placed on that tile. The reach of the tower is shown by the circle around it.

Tower Upgrades

As shown in the video on the side, it is possible to upgrade the tower with range and damage. These properties can be upgraded on all towers and can get up to a maximum of 4 upgrades. By upgrading the range, it is immediatly visable by the size of the circle around the tower. It is also possible to sell the tower for half of the purchase price.